Exchange and Return Policy

We hope you're always happy with your purchase. However, if you are not fully satisfied with your order, simply follow these steps for a refund or exchange:

  • Item(s) must be returned in their original condition and packaging: unworn, unwashed and with all tags attached.
  • On sale period, any item ordered at a discounted price can not be returned. Exchange only, and it should be exchanged from the items in the sale collection. 
  • Items can be exchanged/returned in 3 days of your purchase.
  • Send us a message with your order information to begin the return or exchange process via WhatsApp on this number 01018268404
  OR you can fill this form
  • The money will be refunded on Instapay, Vodafone cash or any bank account within 10 working days from receiving the item.
  • Boheme is not responsible for the return/exchange shipping fees. The exchange/return fees is 50 to100 EGP depends on the location.


Opening shipments isn’t allowed as we’ll take the full responsibility if any item got lost, damaged or replaced.